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- AutoCAD Tools
- Drawing Libraries
- CAD Community and Development
- CAD for Linux
- DataCAD
- CAD Standards
AutoCAD Tools
While free, use of these tools continues to put CAD at AutoDesk's mercy. So it is with some trepidation that we maintain this list.
Drawing Libraries
CAD Community and Development
You might call these efforts to non-platform-specific CAD interest groups.
CAD for Linux
These are CAD applications and tools that are specific (or mostly focused) to the Linux operating system.
Free (GPL or at least OSI approved license)
- BRL-CAD -- Mature 3D modeler and CAD software
- EngyCAD -- Interesting CAD-ish software, BSD license, Russian focus.
- exoTK -- "Extension for OpenCASCADE Tool Kit", 0.1beta, GPL.
- Fandango -- 3D CAD, C++/Python/Qt based, GPL.
- gEDA -- GPL Electronic Design Automation. Good start for Electronics oriented CAD, GPL.
- JCad -- JavaCAD. Java based CAD, moderatly developed, GPL.
- LignumCAD -- Furniture design.
- PerlCAD -- Alpha.
- PythonCAD -- Cross-platform, Python/GTK CAD, alpha, GPL. Under active, sustained development.
- QCAD -- Developed, uses QT libraries. GPL.
- QSCad -- Electrical design, TCL/Tk, alpha, Artistic License.
- Xspace -- Prototype CAD utilizing files as entities written in Ruby.
Free but Inactive or Dead
- FreeDraft -- Retired. Mechanical, GPL.
- gCAD -- [broken link] Alpha, dead.
- GTK-CAD -- Alpha, dead.
- GNU-CAD -- Alpha, dead.
- GNU CAD CAM -- Alpha, dead.
- oCADis -- GTK, Imature, GPL.
- PowerCAD -- Alpha, dead.
- Varkon -- [broken link] Mature, more of a CAD framework than application
- VeX net -- Alpha, dead.
Non-Free (Proprietary or closed-source)
- ARCAD -- Mature, but very confusing web site
- Cycas -- Mature, architectural
- LinuxCAD -- Highly over-advertised product, at alpha quality. (Please read these reviews: "LinuxCAD Impressions" and "Why I don't like LinuxCAD".)
- MicroStation -- Licensed only for academic use. (The greatest, most famous *nix CAD program, though!)
- Octree -- Mature, free to non-commercial
- OpenCascade -- Mature, cross-platform, 3D/CAD engine used in several other apps. License apparently free, but unclear.
- VariCAD -- Mature, mechanical design
A one time user of DataCAD (for five years, versions 4 through 8.5) I would be remiss if I didn't provide the most important links I found during that time.
CAD Standards
Standards Concepts