
We need your help! If you uncover one of many inevitable DodoCAD bugs, please join the dodocad-general mail list and drop us a line. Or mail one of the developers directly.

If you wish to contribute to the project, please join the list and tell us how you'd like to help. Please be aware, that all contributions to the project:

  • must be offered under the terms of DodoCAD's license (GNU General Public License)
  • must be original work by the submitter
  • must be completely owned by the submitter
  • and must be free from any third party claims to intellectual property, ownership of goods produced with resources (time, hardware, software, etc.), violations of agreements, contractual or otherwise, and any other potential claims by third parties to ownership of the code submitted.

We are eager for the project to grow and for the strong support many quality participants, but we want to ensure that these efforts remain Free and open.


Steve Hall and Jeff Bottomley currently write and maintain the collection of AutoCAD tools known as DodoCAD.


(In reverse chronological order)

Allan Wise authored the freeware FixBlock.lsp found at that Block Fix uses to make block entities ByLayer.

John Uhden wrote the MsgBox.lsp found on the CADlantic Freebies pages that uses a dialog to prompt the user for feedback.

Mark Middlebrook hosts a page which offers an excellent Z-coordinate flattening routine that DodoCAD uses.

Steffen Haugk, of Cushat wrote the very useful Linnet utility that silently generates slide files for the slide browser.

Jeff Tippit, of the South Plains AutoCAD User Group (SPAUG) created useful modifications in the duplicate removal script originally written by Dave Aguilar in 1994. (If anybody knows how to contact Dave, please contact us. We've tried several avenues without success.)

Watson Kilbourne of CompugraphiX wrote the much-copied original (1992) routine to draw batten insulation that we enhanced and included.

Jimmy Bergmark of JTB World gave permission for the inclusion of his linetype loader in DodoCAD.

Kenny Ramage and his famous AfraLisp are a long-standing resource for AutoCAD users and developers. AfraLisp code is usually noted, although Kenny was generous enough to offer free use of all his code within the project.

Frank Oquendo, R. Robert Bell and Bobby C. Jones of ACADX offer Lisp and VBA code freely according to it's Terms of Usage and Copyright Notice. ACADX code is usually identified specifically.